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Fundraiser Campaign

The Veil of Black Beauty: Our Beauty Matters Project

The Veil Black Beauty: Our Beauty Matters Project represents the marginalization and masking of Black and Brown Beauty


My name is Dr. Ayisha Zakia Jefferson, and I am an educator, LYF Coach and Black and Brown Beauty Activist.

The Need



The Black beauty buying power is a trillion dollar industry. It is said that Black women buy 9 times more in the beauty industry than the general public. Though this admirable that we take pride in our aesthetics, this also may suggest that our emotional vulnerabilities and insecurities are being numbed and that we trying to attain a standard of beauty that is unattainable for anyone.


The potential impact of this beauty ideology can have ramifications on education, mate selection, career choice, self perception ( how we view ourselves), how others view us, how we allow ourselves to be treated and how others treat us, mental and physical health and more.


This beauty ideology represents not only aesthetic beauty such as hair, colorism, facial features and body type. It represents more, such as language, our cultural or ethnic names and more.


This is just to name a few, and living in this constant multilevel quandary is EXHAUSTING all for the sake of survival and in hopes to gain one’s humanity.


That sad truth is that many of us are unaware that this exist and that we are in a daily tug-a-war (i.e. fight or flight) to be respected to be the full version of ourselves.


There’s an imbalance to our authentic identity, and we are often battling being a shell of ourselves.


My call is that we become architects of our own lives and live. In hiding, we are diluting ourselves and stripping generations of fully knowing who they are and stepping in their full power.


This is intentional malpractice, identity deprivation, and silent identity genocide at its finest. Its effects are lasting on many levels and can/has impacted mental health and well being.


All people (i.e. cultures, race, nationalities, and ethnicities) should be able to define our own realities and live our truths not only at home but also in business, careers, social media, healthcare, financial institutions, etc.


For over 15 years, I have been educating (nationally and internationally), conducting and participating in panels, presenting at conferences, lecturing at colleges, universities, camps, retreats, and more amongst different demographics with ages ranging from 8 years old to 90 years old. The impact of this beauty ideology continues. Sadly, this silent noise has resonated across age, time, socioeconomic status, regions, color, and more, proving there is a need for more of this information.


Blessed, when I was 14, I had a beautiful English teacher come into my life who created a club at my high school called, BSU (Black Student Union). At the time, this institution was predominantly White with very little representation within our curriculum. Mrs. Judy Sampson came in because she saw a need. She filled the gap by volunteering her time on Wednesday nights to teach students (anyone who showed up) about Black history, Black literature, and more. She took us on field trips which included popular television sitcoms, award shows (i.e. American Music Awards), colleges and universities and more. She, along with the show A Different World, was the reason I attended and even knew about an HBCU.


Though my parent's instilled cultural pride within me, Mrs. Sampson took my knowledge of Black excellence to a new level and helped to reimagine myself in a world where I never felt seen.


From the moment Mrs. Sampson entered life, all the way through my PhD program, when interviewed, I would express that I wanted to be Mrs. Sampson x's 10. I feel like the world needs a Mrs. Sampson, AND this is exactly what I plan to do with your contributions. What she gave me can never be measured, so this is my way of paying it forward.


This is ONLY the beginning.


So this is where I need your support:


The mission of bringing awareness, dispelling myths, empowerment, promoting sisterhood and brotherhood, and refashioning the narratives from generational trauma to generational healing by telling the stories of Black and Brown women to empower us to FULLY embrace ALL beauty and our own authentic self mastery.


Contributions will go towards:


  • Research & Development

  • Photobook published which unfolds the narratives of Black and Brown women.

  • Official Non-profit Status

  • Super Intensive Spanish Program

  • Office Supplies (i.e. software, printer)

  • Travel & Lodging

  • Early foundation of a Docu-series

  • Expenses

  • and more


You can also provide gift offerings to:


Venmo: @OurBeautyMatters

CashApp: $OurBeautyMatters



Your support will continue to lay the seeds to the healing of grandmothers, mothers, daughters, aunts, nieces.


Because I am so dedicated to this cause, at least, 90% of my work has been pro bono. I have viewed this initiative over the years as my tithe, offering, and gratitude to my ancestors, race, community, culture, and ethnicity.


It is my calling to join Black and Brown women to do and be themselves at high level. This is an opportunity to not only deal with the trauma around us but within us.


My goal is the help Black and Brown women win.


This platform is a celebration of women who are undervalued and are overlooked


This is my gift and love letter to the Black experience focusing on Black and Brown women by offering safe spaces as well as education online and in person to be restorative to women who look like me.


I’d be honored for your ongoing support and for you to watch this venture grow.


#blackwomen #blackbeauty ##brownbeauty #brownwomen #ourbeautymatters

Your Contribution Matters

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